Why we Choose Datto for Disaster Recovery

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We Choose Datto for Disaster Recovery!2017 brought one of the worst hurricane seasons in recent memory.  This summer, hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria devastated our southern coast and caused tens of billions of dollars in damage.  When I think of disaster recovery, the Red Cross and FEMA immediately spring to mind and here in Cincinnati we’re extra blessed to have Matthew 25 Ministries providing relief and rehabilitation wherever it’s needed.  No matter how bad it gets, whenever disaster strikes, we all pull together and help each other out.

Who helps the businesses with disaster recovery though?  All the big tech giants pitched in and sent money the help with the relief efforts but as far as I know, only one company actually had boots on the ground helping businesses get back up and running again after the storms – and that’s Datto.  Datto is a tiny company (800 employees) compared to giants like Microsoft and Cisco, but they are very good at what they do – and what they do is disaster recovery.  In fact, of all the companies DBS partners with, Datto is the ONLY one who offered to help us get back up and running again.

Granted, DBS was safe from storm damage up in our Cincinnati HQ, but the fact that Datto sent both engineers and equipment out to the storm areas speaks volumes about their commitment to their clients’ success.  I’m proud that we partner with a company that not only offers a quality product, but really does go the extra mile to take care of its clients.  I hate that the Gulf Coast was so heavily damaged this year, but I’m happy to know that if disaster should ever strike Cincinnati, Datto’s got my back – and they’ve got my clients’ backs too.  If you are losing sleep because you don’t know how your company would fare in a similar disaster, I strongly encourage you to make disaster recovery planning a priority for 2018!

For your reference, I’ve included Datto’s storm response below with their permission.  If you have any questions about backup or disaster recovery please don’t hesitate to contact us.



Datto Partners,

Hurricane Irma is now one of the strongest storms of all time and is approaching the Southeastern United States. At this time, we want you to know what Datto has in place to help our partners prepare for and recover from the storm.

First, we have offered partners in the affected area a Network Continuity Kit, which is essentially a Datto Networking Appliance with integrated 4G LTE failover. We found this was the most requested device in Houston to get business back online. This kit allows us to help partners prepare for and recover from the storm, and includes 90 days of unlimited data service. To ensure these devices arrive on time, it includes free overnight shipping to affected areas. If you have customers in the area, please reach out to your sales rep for more information as this offer ends Thursday, September 6 at 4PM EST.

Second, Datto will be sending a second Disaster Response Team to Florida to assist partners on site. This team will carry a stock of DNAs, switches, access points and SIRIS devices. All of these devices will be provided free-of-charge for a period of time to help partners in need. We will be leaving the current team in place in Texas to continue to support relief efforts.

Third, we are prioritizing support tickets submitted from now through the end of the emergency related to backup or recovery in the areas affected by Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey. We are also augmenting our Support Teams and adding resources to the Code Red team to assist with critical real-time disaster recoveries. While call volume was not a problem during Harvey, it may be during Irma. Please pardon our response times while we handle the immediate crises facing our partners in the area.

Finally, with the second major hurricane in a month on its way, we understand customers will be asking how to prepare for similar events in your area. We have created several MarketNow campaigns for you to use with your customers on the value of disaster preparation and backup. There is also a campaign in there specifically for Hurricane Irma for you to use to start conversations with prospects and new customers.

Please reach out to Datto Support if you need any assistance. As always, we are available 24x7x365.


Matt Richards
VP, Product Marketing
Datto, Inc.


About the Author:

Phil is the President and founder of Denton Business Solutions. He's had a fascination with technology for as long as he can remember. Phil uses that fascination to guide manufacturers to technology solutions for enhancing their plant safety, cybersecurity, and productivity. Outside the office, Phil enjoys cooking, spending time with his wife and son, and reading up on the latest manufacturing news. You can connect with Phil on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!

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