Learn More About Denton Business Solutions


Our Story

A note from our founder

In 2008, the United States economy experienced its worst decline in more than 70 years. Millions of jobs were lost. While the businesses that were “too big to fail” were given government bailouts to stay afloat, hundreds of thousands of small businesses were forced to close their doors for good. Approximately 50% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product comes from small businesses but small businesses received nowhere near half of the government’s bailout funds.

That didn’t seem right to me.  I felt obligated to do something to help “the little guy.” The only career I’ve ever known is technology consulting so I decided to find ways to teach small businesses how to use technology to their advantage—to become more efficient, to become more competitive, to become more successful, and to survive. In 2009, I founded Denton Business Solutions and we’ve been helping businesses grow and flourish ever since.

Phil Denton
Founder / President



Our Mission

To provide our clients with proven technology solutions that complement and enhance their business, enabling them to become more productive, more competitive, and more prosperous.



Our Core Beliefs

    • We believe no one knows our clients’ businesses better than our clients do
    • We believe every business deserves expert information technology support, regardless of size
    • We believe technology solutions can only be successful when they meet the needs of the business
    • We believe in doing what’s best for our clients. When our clients succeed we succeed



DBS Vendor Partners

There are thousands of technology partners out there, but DBS has carefully reviewed the market to strategically align itself with the best companies and providers in the industry. We work closely with them to deliver the best overall value proposition and lowest total cost of ownership to our clients.